Thursday, August 14, 2008

time machine

so I spent a few days in st. george this summer back home. my mom has a bunch of my paintings and drawings from highschool throughout the house and I thought that it would be cool to post a few of them up on my blog. a few of these won some awards. the normon rockwell "interpretations" were some of my earliest water color attempts and the oil painting was my first experience with oil. to this day it remains my favorite oil painting.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Secondary Animation

This rig was a test to see if I could employ a hair system to dynamically control secondary animation- success?

Children Kids

Here is a character animation test of ZACK from one of the Children Kids animations. This is a synthesis of Maya and After Effects.
Here is yet another test animation for yet another project that I am involved with- this project is going to be awesome! I have been brought on to worry about just the animation which is definitely a nice change of pace.

Canyon Run

Geoff and I have had this side project on the back burner for ages. I keep meaning to get back to it. This is was some animation without the dynamic rig that I have been working on for it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Complete Animation

I spent all of Saturday night and Sunday and Monday... revamping the house construction animation. I think I started to hit my stride with the vinyl siding panels going up. Yes, I did animated and keyframe by hand every individual roof tile.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Scene Test Render

Yeah, this is my school projecI am back working on my school project!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Interior Walk Through

Finished Interior Walk Through

Fly Through

Kind of a jerky camera but oh well I sort of like it. I had higher res models to put in but it was too much for my computer to handle (me means for dealing with that issue didin't quite work- level of detail has some bugs).